I began Weight Watchers* in February 2011. After struggling with my weight since childhood, but immediately following a sizable gain after having my daughter in October 2008, I committed to this program because of its lifestyle concept. Weight Watchers is not a diet, and I like that. But it does take daily attention, planning and commitment.
I plan to update this page soon with more details about my experience with Weight Watchers, including weekly updates. At the time this page was created (late November 2011), I'm pleased to have lost nearly 50 pounds. I still have about 50 to go before being at my goal weight. So, let's continue down this road together.
*This blog is not affiliated in any way with Weight Watchers. Weight Watchers and any Points or PointsPlus values are registered trademarks. Unless otherwise noted, PointsPlus values given for recipes on this site have been calculated by me and are not endorsed by Weight Watchers. Weight Watcher information and program details should be obtained through a local meeting, store or from their website.